Cooking und Packaging WindowsNoEditor missing

  • Hallo, ich hab mal seit langen wieder die Engine Installiert ( Version 5.2.1)

    um bei meinen kleinen Projekten weiter zu machen,

    hab jetzt beim Packen mitbekommen das der WindowsNoEditor bei den Cook Einstellungen nicht mehr vorhanden ist.

    wurde das allgemein entfernt oder hab ich beim Setup was vermasselt?

  • “WindowsServer” is the server target, with no client code.

    “WindowsClient” is the client target, with no server code.

    “WindowsNoEditor” is the “Game” build target version that cant run uncooked content (as the editor code is needed to load uncooked content)

    “Windows” is the “Editor” target version that includes the editor code, so can load uncooked content.

    “Windows” is much larger then “WindowsNoEditor”, WindowsClient, and WindowsServer versions, which would be explained by including the editor code needed to support uncooked content.

    Releasing Your Project
    Creating a release versioned project with cooked content for distribution.